Image Quality Training
We offer image quality training courses from beginner to advanced levels taught by our experienced image quality engineers and scientists. These courses are meticulously tailored to your experience level and individual camera testing requirements. We offer training sessions anywhere from two hours (typically online) to two days (generally on-site).
On-site training can be held at your offices or our headquarters in Kerpen, Germany. We often recommend training at our office for beginners or those building an image quality test lab so that we can provide a tour of our test lab and provide tips for setting one up yourself.

Online training courses can be designed and scheduled to suit your needs. For example, you can stagger sessions to apply your learning to your daily testing and then collect questions for the next session.
In addition, we offer product-specific training for all our products and software. This type of training can be done online or on-site and is generally very beneficial for new engineers and expanding teams.

Don't hesitate to contact our support team at for more information about setting up a training course. You can also contact your local handler for training inquiries.
Below is an example agenda of a complete training overview of our most common topics. This example does not cover the full extent of our training options. Our support team will craft an agenda to ensure we cover all your requirements.
Learn the best practices for building a camera test lab from scratch or upgrading an existing one.
- Test lab overview and basic introduction
- Lab requirements and equipment from beginner to advanced
- Light and illumination best practices and analysis

An in-depth look at analyzing the tonal curve performance of a camera system.
- Dynamic range (ISO 15739, ISO 14524)
- Noise including visual noise (ISO 15739)
- ISO speed (ISO 12232)

An in-depth look at a camera system's color accuracy and color calibration methods.
- An overview of color
- Color calibration methods
- Color correction best practices
- An overview of white balance
- An in-depth look at color reproduction

An overview of camera resolution and texture loss performance combined with an in-depth review of lens performance factors.
- Spatial frequency response (SFR) and MTF measurements (ISO 12233)
- How to interpret the modulated transfer function (MTF)
- Texture analysis (ISO 19567-1 and -2)
- An overview of resolution measurements (ISO 12233)
- An overview of shading measurements (ISO 17957)
- An overview of lens distortion measurements (ISO 17850)
- An overview of chromatic displacement measurements (ISO 19084)
- An overview of camera autofocus performance (ISO 20490)
- An overview of lens flare (ISO 18844)

An in-depth look at camera stabilization performance and how to test stabilization in a test lab.
- A look at the different methods of camera stabilization
- An overview of various forms of camera shaking
- An overview of the measurement approach (ISO 20954)

An in-depth look at the VCX standard for mobile phone and webcam image quality testing.
- The background of the VCX standard
- An overview of the VCX v2020 standard for mobile phone testing
- An overview of the VCX-WebCam 2023 standard for webcam testing
- VCX measurement procedures
- VCX measurement metrics

An overview of image quality in archiving and an in-depth review of the Universal Test Target (UTT).
- An overview of image quality in archiving
- Universal Test Target (UTT)